We have a beautiful baby boy. Nathan Tyler was born on February 12 at 6:07 p.m. weighing 6 lbs, 6 ozs, 19 3/4" long. Today he will be having a heart catherization and a balloon to see if they can widen the valve that is needed for the blood flow. Please keep him in your prayers for this procedure. If this works, that will be the major part of anything they will have to do. Praise the Lord! I was able to be in the delivery, and that was the most precious and special thing I have ever witnessed in my life. Isn't he gorgeous?!
Thats his mommy's hand beside him. She just glows when she looks at him. She's going to make a great mother! I'll update later and more pictures. Thank you everyone for your prayers and please continue to pray for them and for the procedure today. Debbie
6 hours ago
congratulations! he sure is beautiful. praying that God's hand are all over this little one today!
ReplyDeleteWelcome Baby Nathan!
ReplyDeleteHe sure is a handsome little guy.
How exciting!!! I'm so glad you got to be there for the delivery!
ReplyDeleteI'll be looking forward to updates from you, and will continue to pray.
Praise the Lord! Keeping you in our prayers. God bless you all!